A few hours at the pool for a little extra color.
A detailed plan of the outfits that you plan to wear.
Necessary props like the gymnastics leotards, the medals, the piano sheet music, and a couple of your favorite books.
This list might actually sound like a packing list for someone who is getting ready for a vacation to go visit family members that you have not seen in a while. Your best clothes, some extra sunshine for a healthy glow, and some of your favorite possessions to help your friends and relatives catch up with what you have been doing since you saw them last. These particular items, however, are not packed for a visit. Instead, they are all for the afternoon’s main activity: senior pictures!
The amount of energy it takes to prepare for today’s senior class pictures is amazing. From planning outfits to planning locations, the excitement around the event can be almost as fun as many of the other events in the life of a graduating senior.
Senior Portraits Are an Important Part of the Graduation Year
Used for graduation invitations, church bulletin boards, Christmas gifts, and yearbooks, senior portraits serve a variety of purposes. And while the locations and the clothes can be well planned, the success of the pictures are often determined by the professional photo retouching services as much as anything else.
Whether you are selecting a photographer for senior photos, wedding or engagement pictures, or for real estate photos of your home that is going on the market, the importance of high resolution quality photographs matters. Professional services that understand how to use clipping path services, color correction services, and professional photo retouching services can be the difference between a good picture and a great photograph. And while many photographers are excellent at setting up a photo shoot and catching the most natural shots, they do not all have the time and the skills that it takes to make the follow up corrections.
For many professional photographers, the professional photo retouching services that they provide are outsourced to an online company that employs expert finishing specialists. In many situations, these professional services provide a higher quality retouching because this is all that they do. Local photographers, on the other hand, often prefer to spend their time working with clients, taking photos, and brainstorming unique ideas for each customer.
Places, as Well as People, Benefit from Professional Photo Retouching Services
While most people thing of wedding, family, and senior photographs when they thing of photo retouching, these services can also improve the quality of many other types of photos as well. For example, some of the most expense real estate listings benefit from quality high resolution photos that have been professionally retouched and corrected.
In today’s digital age it is tempting to simply take a few photos of a home that is for sale and call it good. After the sale research, however, indicates that higher resolution photos may actually lead to higher priced sales. In fact, with homes that are priced in the $400,000 to $500,000 range, 64% of those listings with digital single lens reflex (DSLR) photos sold within six months. In comparison, only 46% of homes with point-and-shoot photos sold within the six month time frame. When you look at the even more difficult to sell million dollar homes, the listings with DSLR images still faired better. Nearly 35% of the homes that were professionally photographed sold within six months. This number compares to the 30% of million dollar homes that were photographed with point-and-shoot cameras that sold within the first six months.
Digital images that are taken with DSLR cameras can be more accurately and exactly manipulated than images from lesser quality cameras. Home photos that are taken in the RAW setting by these DSLR cameras provide even more opportunity for editing.
For homeowners the opportunity to have a real estate photo professionally edited is an opportunity to improve the lighting and show greater detail in woodwork, granite counter tops, and other upgrades. for seniors in high school or for a bride and a groom, the opportunity to have a portrait professionally edited is an opportunity to fix that one piece of hair that always seems to slip out of place.
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