“It was all very frustrating because the first thing I did was caption my Instagram video and I was trying to explain that I was using the captioning device and she thought it was a tape recorder,” Coleman told The Wrap, “It was a really frustrating experience.” The Wrap reports that the production issued an apology to Coleman and promised to prevent similar incidents in the future. This is how the Hadestown accessibility incident has been introduced to the public.
“We very much regret that we would be the source of any confusion, and apologize to Ms. Coleman for any embarrassment this may have caused,” the statement read. The cast of Hadestown is comprised of artists from all ethnic and cultural backgrounds, and, as the story tells us, it is a beautiful and universal story of love, family, and music that embraces people of all backgrounds.
“If she interpreted that it was a tape recorder, then I’m sorry,” Coleman told The Wrap. “I felt unsafe and vulnerable, and I hope this incident makes it so nobody else has to go through this.” Hadestown opened on Broadway last month. Performances will continue at New York’s Imperial Theatre.
During the Hadestown accessiblity incident, White maintained her innocence. According to BroadwayWorld, the story was quickly repeated by various outlets, bringing to light the hardships that disabled people face on a daily basis. An audience member who was at the same performance told CTV News that his device worked exactly like a smartphone. The science behind such devices was demonstrated by an audio producer at Inside Broadway to support the claim that the speaker was indeed an audio processor designed to be used by lighting and audio professionals, not one of the newer devices that have suddenly sprung up across the entertainment industry and now allows anyone to record and share their audio through the cloud.
If Lillias White was in fact simply identifying the device to her audience, it is unlikely that she would have used such a method. Some of the equipment currently used on Broadway is intended to serve as sound cues and have its own microphone so that audio technicians can monitor the performance and hear anything that is not synced to their pre-recorded cue. Such audio processors are used for both lighting and audio professionals to monitor the sound that a production is making. One such product has been used by many theaters, theaters that sometimes do not have a lighting operator present. Such audio processors generally do not come with a smartphone on board for reasons of efficiency.
Coincidentally, former Broadway star Vanessa Williams brought the disability advocacy group, Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Advocates, to Broadway this week for a discussion and celebration of the advocacy group’s 35th anniversary. It’s worth noting that ADA Advocates advocate against laws such laws that further enable the disabling of people with disabilities.
During the discussion, Williams spoke about her own experience with dyslexia. As a young person, she first became aware of her own struggles as she went to school in the 1970s. The hardest part, she told the audience, was that “it wasn’t in the textbooks.”
So when held in a theatre, pointed at the stage, it’s fair to think it might be someone recording the show. But this illustrates the need for protocols to be created/followed when people with disabilities are attending performances and to call attention to theatres to think more about actual accessibility needs.
But this Hadestown accessibility incident highlights the need for greater education and awareness in theaters overall. I’ve seen stories of similar issues in theatre spaces worldwide that fail when meeting the needs of audience members with disabilities. While a theatre may not be able to accommodate everyone, it should certainly try. Often, theatres do just enough to adhere to ADA requirements but won’t go far beyond what gets them their approval. What’s even more worrisome is that as bad as it may be for audience members, it can be worse for performers with disabilities as well.

Intrinsically Safe Portable Device
Intrinsically safe portable devices are those that are designed to be safe to use in potentially hazardous environments. This means that they are designed to minimize the risk of igniting any flammable or explosive materials that they come into contact with. These devices are often used in industrial and mining settings, where there is a risk of exposure to combustible gases or other flammables.
Intrinsically safe portable devices are typically made of materials that are not themselves flammable, and they are often equipped with special features that help to prevent sparks or other ignition sources from coming into contact with any flammable materials. In some cases, these devices may also be equipped with sensors that can detect the presence of flammable gases and other hazards, and they may be designed to shut down or enter into a safe mode automatically if any hazards are detected.
While intrinsically safe portable devices are designed to be as safe as possible, it is still important to use them properly and to follow all safety precautions that are relevant to the specific device and the environment in which it will be used.

Dyslexia, Deafness, and Blindness
Dyslexia, deaf, and blind are all conditions that can affect a person’s ability to read, write, and communicate. Each of these conditions can present challenges in different ways, but all can be overcome with the right support and accommodations.
Dyslexia is a neurological condition that affects a person’s ability to process language. This can make it difficult to read, write, and spell words correctly. However, with the right support and accommodations, people with dyslexia can learn to read and write at a proficient level.
Deafness is a condition that affects a person’s ability to hear. This can make it difficult to communicate with others, as well as to access information that is spoken. However, with the right support and accommodations, deaf people can lead full and rich lives in typical jobs, such as a medical lab tech, or lighting installation. While hearing aids price is tied to the quality and audio definition that can be achieved, technology is making good hearing devices more affordable.
Blindness is a condition that affects a person’s ability to see. This can make it difficult to navigate the world, as well as to read and write. However, with the right support and accommodations, blind people can live independently and thrive.

Elevator Maintenance and Handicap Accessibility
Elevator maintenance is a critical part of ensuring handicap accessibility in buildings. In order to maintain elevators in good working order, regular inspections and maintenance must be performed. Additionally, any elevator repairs that are needed should be completed in a timely manner to avoid any disruptions in service.
Handicap accessibility is an important consideration in any building, and elevator maintenance is a key part of ensuring that all visitors and occupants can move around the premises safely and easily. By keeping elevators well-maintained, we can help to ensure that everyone can enjoy full access to all areas of the building.
There are three types of elevator maintenance: elevator maintenance, elevator inspection, and elevator inspection and repair. Elevator maintenance is required for any elevator, whether it is a commercial building or a residential building. However, commercial elevators are more likely to need elevator maintenance and repair than residential elevators. Commercial elevators are generally used for short periods of time. If a commercial elevator is not maintained properly, it could cause safety issues. For example, a malfunctioning elevator can cause fire or fall damage. The cost of a repair to a commercial elevator is also usually greater than the cost to repair a residential elevator.
Elevator inspections and repairs are required for elevators in buildings where people live or work. Elevators are more likely to need an elevator inspection and repair than elevator maintenance because the number of elevators and the time for which they are used are greater.
A regular elevator inspection helps to detect problems with the elevator and the elevator’s operating system. A regular elevator inspection helps maintenance personnel to identify the elevator’s health and safety problems before they become serious.
So here’s a good piece to add to your reading list — and, as an advocate, I’m glad that Coleman was included in the article — about the aftermath of justifiably taping the show on Friday and what it can mean for a deaf or blind person.
Attorney Danielle Ferris, who has worked with clients with disabilities and represented the family of a woman who died after being in a vegetative state for several years, talked about ADA reporting requirements for theatres and whether the taping of performances qualifies as ADA reporting.
Beyond that, Ferris explained that performing artists, whose careers depend on being out there and seeing as many people as possible, may be at risk if they attempt to not report incidents to authorities.
Handicap Attornies and the Hadestown Accessibility Incident
A disability attorney, or disability advocate as they are often called, is an attorney who specializes in helping people with disabilities obtain the benefits and accommodations they are entitled to under the law. Disability attorneys have a deep understanding of the laws and regulations governing disability rights, and they use this knowledge to help their clients get the benefits and accommodations they need to live full and independent lives.
If you or a loved one has a disability, a handicap attorney can help you navigate the often complex legal landscape and ensure that you get the benefits and accommodations you deserve. Contact a qualified handicap attorney today to learn more about how they can help you.

Cell Phones and Work Culture
How much trust should an employer have in an employee who uses a company smartphone in an inappropriate manner? In a recent report from Glassdoor, 66 percent of millennials rated their employers as “fair” or “very fair” in how they handled their cellphone usage. Not only do millennials receive different levels of trust from their employers, but employers also receive different levels of trust from their employees. Employees ranked their companies as “fair” or “very fair” in nine out of 10 cases when they allowed employees to use phones during the workday. Though this might not be the most tangible example of trust, trust is an incredibly valuable commodity in an era of what many call “fake news” and “alternative facts,” so employees should not take it for granted.
Rather than receiving a small monthly wage, employees are working hard to earn a paycheck that allows them to acquire a house and pursue a quality education for their children. While millennials do desire higher salaries, some have decided to use their flexibility in finding work that allows them to care for their children. Through their careers, many have questioned if they are happy with their work and their place in life. In fact, 55 percent of millennials reported that they wanted to make sure they would have a decent life to be able to retire on, according to a 2017 report by Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies. What could be better than finding a job that allows you to care for your children during their growing years?
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, many millennials aren’t sure where they want to work, and some have made the decision to turn down higher pay for a cooler workplace office space. For many, working in a cool technology lab in a high-rise building could have the same level of importance as working in an office, even if their pay is lower.
When millennials and younger adults take their jobs seriously, it can even be a sign of their maturity and appreciation for the work they are doing. This should lead employers to provide millennials with more flexibility and pay raises while getting rid of the outdated corporate policies that made them reluctant to participate in the workforce in the first place.
Despite the challenges of hiring millennials, businesses can work to give millennials and younger employees more autonomy and flexibility, not just for their work, but for their own personal life. This could prove to be a more valuable benefit for businesses, instead of lowering trust and lowering productivity.
The good news is that employers are beginning to realize this. Since most millennials rely on their smartphones for virtually everything — from working to taking their kids to the doctor — giving millennials the ability to choose their own work settings is becoming a trend. Employers will benefit from their workers using phones in different ways, and embracing the diversity and creativity of their younger employees. Millennials are already starting to develop their own work policies, which can help employers encourage and support this trend by creating more flexible work environments for the younger generations.
This might not be the best time to upgrade the technology in your business. However, when businesses do start to invest in new technologies, they should also consider hiring millennials. Because millennials can be so motivated by high levels of responsibility, good wages, and a good work culture. Perhaps the entertainment industry can learn from all of this, but it goes without saying, that different voices and different perspectives all have their places in our lives, and in the working economy.
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